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This brand guide will continue to expand as more examples and source files are prepared. v0.9.5 Updated 18 Sep 2024.
Explore and utilize all the Radiant brand elements to help spread the word on Radiant Blockchain.
The artwork files are available in SVG and PNG@2x formats, in both light-mode and dark-mode variations. Download the brand files here (385kb zip)
The key element of Radiant's brand is the symbol representing the capital letter R.
This symbol can be used in varying configurations, depending on what works best for the medium and where and how it will be displayed.
A custom wordmark has been developed to represent Radiant's futuristic embrace of blockchain technology and progress towards moonshots.
This wordmark can be used in varying configurations, depending on what works best for the medium and where and how it will be displayed.
The combination of the Radiant Symbol and Wordmark can constitute the Radiant Logo, but it's also common to say the Symbol is also the Logo.
The Radiant Logo can be used in varying configurations, depending on what works best for the medium and where and how it will be displayed.
Black and white and shades of greys, with ascents of teals and blues, represent the abundance of space and time and the activity of photons travelling at lightspeed.
Color contrast and sophisticated proportions of color usage can help present Radiant in a futuristic stance towards building the future today.
The simple and clean sans font, Inter, licensed under the Open Font License, allows the message to be broadcast with little noise and distraction. The Inter Font Family is a highly legible and minimalistic font that works both well on desktop and mobile devices.
Finding the right vertical rhythm with text based presentation can be found by defining distinct font-sizes and font-weights (Best to use Bold, but can also play with Medium and SemiBold depending on your specific needs) for each heading style from H1 to H4, and Regular for body text.
Use Inter Bold 700, Medium 500 and SemiBold 600 for Headings.
Use Inter Regular 400 for body text.
Download Inter Font from Google Fonts.
Radiant Blockchain is designed to be used by developers, merchants and everyone else. Let people know Radiant is here, being utilized and helpful.
These brand message elements can be used in varying configurations, depending on what works best for the medium and where and how it will be displayed.